chai_py.packaging module

class chai_py.packaging.Metadata(name: str, image_url: str, color: str, description: str, input_class: Type[chai_py.chai_bot.ChaiBot], developer_uid: str = <factory>, memory: int = 256)

Bases: object

Information required for bot deployment.

color: str
description: str
developer_uid: str
image_url: str
input_class: Type[chai_py.chai_bot.ChaiBot]
memory: int = 256
name: str
verify(bot_file: pathlib.Path)

Performs basic checks to ensure validity of the metadata.

chai_py.packaging.copytree(src, dst, symlinks=False, ignore=None)

Copies files from src to dst.

Taken from Necessitated by Python 3.7 environment; Python 3.8’s shutil.copytree can be used directly as it has the necessary dirs_exist_ok argument.

  • src – Source directory

  • dst – Target directory

  • symlinks

  • ignore – Callable


chai_py.packaging.package(metadata: chai_py.packaging.Metadata, requirements: Optional[List[str]] = None, path: Optional[str] = None)

Packages the chatbot into a single archive for deployment.

Performs some preliminary checks on the metadata. Creates a file in the directory containing the file that contains the bot class unless a path is provided.

  • metadata

  • requirements

  • path


chai_py.packaging.verify_image_url(url: str)

Verifies that the provided url resolves to an image.

Performs a GET request on the given url and performs a trivial (non-conclusive) check that the image type can be inferred from the received bytes.




chai_py.packaging.write_valid_requirements_file(path: AnyStr, requirements: List[str])

Writes a valid requirements.txt file.

Iterates through list of requirements, writing valid entries to the specified file, Ignores (and prints) invalid requirements.

  • path

  • requirements


chai_py.packaging.zipfile_from_folder(folder: AnyStr, file)